iCloud Backup Recovery
iCloud Backup Recovery

MovethroughtheiPhonesetupprocessuntilyouseetheresetscreen.ThenchooseRestorefromiCloudBackuponYourphone.EntertheAppleID ...,iCloudDataRecoveryisaprofessionaldatarecoverytoolwhichcanrecoveryourlostphotos,messages,contacts,aswellasAppdatalikeWhatsAp...

Restore from iCloud Backup - Apple iPhone


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How to Recover Deleted iCloud Backup

Move through the iPhone setup process until you see the reset screen. Then choose Restore from iCloud Backup on Your phone. Enter the Apple ID ...

Recover Data From iCloud Backup

iCloud Data Recovery is a professional data recovery tool which can recover your lost photos, messages, contacts, as well as App data like WhatsApp ...

How to Recover Deleted Data from iCloud Backup?

Select the items that you want to recover and click Save. You can view iCloud backup and save the recovered data on your iPhone or computer.

iPhone Backup Extractor for Windows and Mac

Recover photos, messages, videos, call history, notes, contacts, Screen Time passcode, WhatsApp messages and other app data from iPhone and iPad backups. Recover iCloud data · iPhone data recovery & forensics · Download · Contacts

Need to restore an iPhone backup? Here's how

Tap Restore from iCloud Backup, and sign in to iCloud with your Apple ID. Go to Choose backup, and select from the list of iCloud backups ...

Restore your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch from a backup

Follow the onscreen setup steps until you reach the Transfer Your Apps & Data screen, then tap From iCloud Backup.

Restore from iCloud Backup Without Reset

In this article, we will discuss how we can restore an iPhone from iCloud during the setup process and how to restore the iCloud backup without having to reset ...

How to Recover Files Deleted from iCloud Backup: 4 Methods

In this section, we'll demonstrate 4 reliable methods to recover files that were deleted from an iCloud backup using native and third-party macOS tools. When Is It Possible to Restore... · How to Recover Files Deleted...

iCloud Recovery

Recover files deleted from both iCloud Drive and other apps within the last 30 days, or restore an earlier version of your Calendar, Contacts and Safari bookmarks.

使用 iCloud.com 回復和復原 iCloud 資訊

你可以在電腦上使用 iCloud.com 復原最近刪除的檔案,或回復至自動封存於 iCloud 的先前版本資訊。 請參閱下列任一項目: 行事曆: 在 iCloud.com 上回復行事曆與行程

從 iCloud 備份回復或設定 iOS 裝置

設定新的 iOS 裝置或回復現有 iOS 裝置的資訊時,可以使用 iCloud 備份讓這些程序變得輕鬆容易。 在您的 iOS 裝置上,前往「設定」>「一般」>「軟體更新」。 如果有較新的 iOS 版本可用,請依照畫面上的指示下載和安裝。 確定您有可回復的最新版本。 在 iOS 11 或以後版本上: 前往「設定」> [您的名稱] >「iCloud」>「管理儲存空間」>「備份」。 在 iOS 10.3 上: 前往「設定」> [您的名稱] >「iCloud」。 點

從備份回復 iPhone、iPad 或 iPod touch

如果裝置已設定完成,你需要先 清除裝置上的所有內容,才能透過以下步驟從備份還原。 請依照畫面上的設定步驟操作,直至出現「轉移 App 與資料」畫面,然後點一下「從 iCloud 備份」。 使用你的 Apple ID 登入 iCloud。 選擇備份。 查看每個備份的日期和大小,然後選擇最相關的備份。 選擇備份之後,傳輸程序就會開始。 如果系統訊息顯示需要較新版本的軟件,請按照螢幕上的步驟更新。 了解如果畫面沒有顯示更新步驟應怎樣解決。 當系統要求時,請使用 Apple ID 登入以還原 app 和購買項目


透過 iPhone 的 iCloud 備份回復功能. 要將 iPhone 資料從 iCloud 還原,請按照以下步驟操作。 但是請注意,此方法會將 iPhone 上現有的所有資料完全刪除。 請務必在開始操作之前備份您的資料。 1 登入您的 iCloud 帳戶。 2 開啟 iPhone 的「設定」。 3 點選「一般」>「移轉或重置 iPhone」>「清除所有內容和設定」>「從 iCloud 備份回復」。 4 選取您要還原的備份。 2.

iCloud 備份回復最全指南,含 iCloud 回復備份不重置教學!

那麼想要iCloud備份回復不重置裝置,您可以使用 iMyFone D-Back iCloud 復原工具,幫助您不需要重置iPhone或iPad就能在iCloud恢復備份。 免除iOS裝置重置,直接將iCloud備份還原,避免現有資料遺失的風險。

iCloud 備份回復最強教學,一鍵救援 iPhone 資料無需重置手機

iPhone 清除資料後會重新啟動,按照螢幕上的設定步驟執行,在「APP 與資料」介面點擊「從 iCloud 備份回復」。 然後使用 Apple ID 登入對應帳戶的 iCloud. 無論是開啟 iCloud 備份,還是回復 iCloud 備份,持續的時間會很長,且十分依賴網路速度,如果備份太大、網速太慢,建議大家還是選用更高效的 專業軟體回復 iPhone 方法。 如果你只是 誤刪了部分 iPhone 資料,或是系統 BUG 導致某些資料莫名消失了,可以嘗試登入 iCloud.com 進行數據搶救。

Restore from iCloud Backup - Apple iPhone

Here's how to restore content (e.g., Photos, Music, settings, etc.) to your iPhone from a backup on iCloud.

Need to restore an iPhone backup? Here's how

Tap Restore from iCloud Backup, and sign in to iCloud with your Apple ID. Go to Choose backup, and select from the list of iCloud backups ...

Coolmuster iCloud Backup Recovery

Widely Compatible with Multiple Formats. With this iCloud backup recovery program, you can save your iCloud backup files to your computer in readable formats.

Coolmuster iCloud Backup Recovery:快速檢索備份數據

快速恢復iCloud備份數據 · 有選擇地恢復電腦上的iCloud備份文檔。 · 只需要您的iCloud帳戶即可進行數據恢復。 · 在PC上查看詳細的備份檔。 · 恢復過程中無質量損失。

How to restore iPhone from a backup

Tap on Restore from iCloud Backup. Sign in using your Apple ID. Next, choose the backup you want to restore from by selecting it from the list ...

How to restore your iPhone from an iCloud backup

Share your videos with friends, family, and the world.

How to restore an iPhone from an iCloud backup

16 小時前 · Put all of your apps, data and settings back just the way you like them. Here's how to set up an iPhone with your iCloud backup.

Backing up your chat history

1. Open LINE on the main device your account is registered to. 2. From the Home tab, tap Settings > Chat history backup under Backup and transfer.


MovethroughtheiPhonesetupprocessuntilyouseetheresetscreen.ThenchooseRestorefromiCloudBackuponYourphone.EntertheAppleID ...,iCloudDataRecoveryisaprofessionaldatarecoverytoolwhichcanrecoveryourlostphotos,messages,contacts,aswellasAppdatalikeWhatsApp ...,SelecttheitemsthatyouwanttorecoverandclickSave.YoucanviewiCloudbackupandsavetherecovereddataonyouriPhoneorcomputer.,Recoverphotos,messages,video...